
Learn about investing in Multifamily and Self Storage Real Estate

Here we will help you understand the basics of passive investing in multifamily and self storage real estate syndications. There’s a lot to learn so let’s dive in.

Real estate syndications: the basics

In this basic overview, we’ll go over what syndications are, how you can start investing, the returns you can expect, risks involved, and more.

How An Apartment Building and Self Storage facility Makes Money

Most of us never think of an apartment building or a self storage facility as a business, but there are many ways a commercial property can make serious cash by providing valuable services to tenants and communities.

Tax Benefits for Passive Real Estate Investors

Investing in real estate can often lower the amount of taxes you owe, even while making great returns on your investments. There's a huge difference in how the IRS views stock market gains versus real estate gains. Here are some incredible tax benefits for you to consider as a limited partner passive investor in multifamily and self storage real estate syndications.

A Real Estate Syndication Timeline

Each syndication goes through a basic progression. We review five typical phases for a value-add asset to give you a general idea of what to expect.